Matthew Verse

Matthew Verse

Friday, August 29, 2014

His Hands, His Feet, His Love

Hi all!

It's hard to believe I've been in Haiti for almost 2 weeks! Everyday I look forward to seeing what God has in store for me, and of course getting to spend time with my "sweet six." Here's a glimpse at what's been going on since my last update.

On Saturday we had a pool party at the toddler house, they had a BLAST. I wasn't feeling the best that day, so I sat on the sidelines and acted as a heater for the kiddos that were cold. :)

Unfortunately, on Monday I got sick and wasn't able to paint at Fort Jacques, which is where the future GLA will be. On Tuesday, we decorated the balcony and made cupcakes for two girlies. Every month they have a party for the kids who had a birthday that month. It was such a blessing and joy to celebrate their first birthday with them!

I had a 10 month old from the middle nursery that was here temporarily for medical assistance, and earlier this week she went home with her biological mother! So, I got a new fella from the NICU who is 5 months old. He is a little behind developmentally, but I'm excited to spend time with him and hopefully see some improvement. My 9 month old also moved from the NICU to the middle nursery this week. That leaves me with two girls and four boys total. My two youngest are five months old. I also work with an 8 and 9 month old, 1 1/2 year old, and 4 1/2 year old.

The two youngest from the NICU are working on sitting up. They both like to lay on their tummy and think it's hilarious when I give them kisses. We also love to cuddle in the rocking chair.

My 8 month old can sit up on his own and is starting to scoot around on his belly, soon he will be crawling! His smile is contagious!

The sweet 9 month old I've been spending time with is a crawler. I turn my back for one second and she's halfway across the balcony under the bench!

My 1 1/2 year has learned to pull himself up using a bench. He's also starting to walk with my help!

Finally, my 4 1/2 year old and I have been working on walking. On Wednesday, we went on a walk and she walked the entire way, I was so proud of her!

I continue to be amazed by God and his wondrous ways. He has shown me a totally different perspective here in Haiti. These kids are amazing. It's hard for me to put into words how much they've impacted me in such a short amount of time. For those of you who have seen The Blind Side, here's the best way I can put my feelings into words. There's a scene where Leigh Anne Tuohy is telling her friends about bringing Michael Oher into the family, and her friend says, "You're changing that boys life." She replies, "No, he's changing mine."

I'll leave you with a little alphabet singing by me and "my little tank" at the toddler house. Until next time, love from Haiti!

|All Glory to God|


  1. Hi Ashley! We love your photos and updates! It's heartwarming to see you with these sweet children! They are so precious. We're very proud of you and continue to lift you in prayer! Love you, Mom and Dad

  2. Anxious to read your next entry and see more photos! (hint, hint....) Love, Your Momma
